一、課程說明(Course Description)
本課程範圍為作業管理(Operations Management)中與生產密切關係的生產計劃與管制系統(PPC,Production Planning and Control System),將著重探討PPC的整體架構及其功能。因此在理論上將探討數個有關生產計劃與管制的基本功能模式,包括存貨管制,總合生產計劃,主排程,物料需求計劃(MRP),產能規劃,生產活動管制,作業排程,限制理論,與預測等,並以個案、作業與模擬遊戲輔助學習。
二、指定用書(Text Books)
林則孟著,"生產計畫與管理", 華泰,2006
1.Thomas E. Vollmann, William L. Berry, and D. Clay Whybark, Manufacturing Planning and Control Systems, 4 th edition, MiGraw-Hill, 1997
2.J.R.Tony Arnold and Stephen N. Chapman, Introduction to Materials Management, Prentice Hall, 4th edition, 2001
3.高德拉特等著, 齊若蘭譯 ”目標(The Goal)”, 天下文化出版社, 1996
4.今井正明著,許文治譯 “現場改善”,McGraw-Hill台灣分公司,1997
5.吳鴻輝,李榮貴, 限制驅導式現場排程與管理技術, 全華科技, 1999
四、教學方式(Teaching Method)
上課, 個案研究
1. Introduction of Manufacturing Planning and Control
2. Inventory Control
3. MRP(Material Requirements Planning)
4. MPS(Master Production Scheduling)
5. Capacity Planning
6. Aggregate Production Planning
7. Operations Scheduling
8. TOC(Theory Of Constraints) - DBR
9. Production Activity Control
10. Forecasting
11. JIT/Lean Production
Quiz and Homeworks 25%
Littlefield Project (Team work) 20%
Class Participation 10%
Two Examinations 45%
HOMEWORKS and LittleField