一、課程說明(Course Description)

This course is designed for PhD students who are major in molecular biology
related field. Instructors will assume that students have taken undergraduate
level molecular biology (LS4401, LS4402 or equivalent), cell biology (LS2201,
LS2202 or equivalent) and biochemistry (LS3301, LS3302 or equivalent) courses.

The lectures are planned as intensive reviews of current molecular
biology on the following topics (1) Plant genome and gene regulation, (2)
MicroRNA, RNA interferance and RNA editting, (3) Intromembrane protease (4) Receptor-mediated endocytosis and GPCR signal, (5) Cell cycle control,
(6) p53 signaling pathway, (7) Biological regulatory networks and (8) Antigen processing machinery.

There will be no text books for this course. Instead, assigned review articles
will be distributed to students before each class.

二、指定用書(Text Books)



Additional references and reading assignments will be given in each lecture.

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)

The classes contain mainly lectures. Students are encouraged to discuss with
the lecturers about content and questions.


Date Topics Instructors
09/12 (W3) Antigen processing and presentation 張鑑中
09/14 (F3/4) Antigen processing and presentation 張鑑中
09/19 (W3) Antigen processing and presentation 張鑑中
09/21 (F3/4) Antigen processing and presentation 張鑑中
09/26 (W3) RNA editting 周姽嫄
09/28 (F3/4) RNA editting 周姽嫄
10/03 (W3) RNA editting 周姽嫄
10/05 (F3/4) RNA editting 周姽嫄
10/10 (國慶日停課)
10/12 (F3/4) Plant gene regulation involved in dehydration 林彩雲
and cold stress response
10/17 (W3) Plant gene regulation involved in dehydration 林彩雲
and cold stress response
10/19 (F3/4) Plant gene regulation involved in dehydration 林彩雲
and cold stress response
10/24 (W3) Plant gene regulation involved in dehydration 林彩雲
and cold stress response
10/26 (F3/4) Intromembrane protease 張大慈
10/31 (W3) Intromembrane protease 張大慈
11/02 (F3/4) Intromembrane protease 張大慈
11/07 (W3) Receptor-mediated endocytosis 傅化文
11/09 (F3/4) Receptor-mediated endocytosis 傅化文
11/14 (校運停課)
11/16 (F3/4) Examination I (lectures from Sep. 13 to Nov. 3)
11/21 (W3) GPCR signaling 傅化文
11/23 (F3/4) GPCR signaling 傅化文
11/28 (W3) Cell cycle control 楊嘉鈴
11/30 (F3/4) Cell cycle control 楊嘉鈴
12/05 (W3) Cell cycle control 楊嘉鈴
12/07 (F3/4) Cell cycle control 楊嘉鈴
12/12 (W3) p53 signaling pathway 黃海美
12/14 (F3/4) p53 signaling pathway 黃海美
12/19 (W3) p53 signaling pathway 黃海美
12/21 (F3/4) p53 signaling pathway 黃海美
12/26 (W3) Biological regulatory networks 藍忠昱
12/28 (F3/4) Biological regulatory networks 藍忠昱
01/02 (W3) Biological regulatory networks 藍忠昱
01/04 (F3/4) Biological regulatory networks 藍忠昱
01/09 (W3/4) Examination II (lectures from Nov. 8 to Jan. 5)


There will be two major examinations for the whole semester. Each examination will be worth 40% of your total score. Take-home examinations, homeworks, and quizzes will be worth 20% of your total score. No provision for doing other extra-work to improve your grade.
