一、課程說明(Course Description)
Instructor: Liu, Cheng-Hsien(劉承賢) chhsliu@mx.nthu.edu.tw
Office: Room 517, Engineering Building #1
Phone: (03) 5715131 ext.33706
Course Web site: http://mx.nthu.edu.tw/~chhsliu/linear/PME3210_Liu.html

(The goals of the course are to introduce undergraduate to use/ manipulate matrices, understand/get physical intuition of matrices and apply linear algebra to synthesize linear dynamical systems. The emphasizing topics in this course are useful in other disciplines, including circuitry analysis, signal processing, communication, control systems, Robotics, networks, image display, system dynamics and vibration.)


二、指定用書(Text Books)
- My class notes
- Introduction to Linear Algebra 3rd Edition by Gilbert Strang, Wellesley-Cambridge Press (March 2003).

*Reference for Linear Algebra Practice Problem Set- 電機線代(高點)

oWeb reference from MIT OpenCourseWare site regarding linear algebra part by using Strang’s book for our course:

-http://www.twocw.net/mit/Mathematics/18-06Linear-AlgebraFall2002/CourseHome/ (in Chinese)
-http://web.mit.edu/18.06/www/ (update course website)

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)


五、教學進度(Topics included in this course(tentative syllabus))

本課程討論線性代數理論及線性動態系統分析, 內容含(暫訂):

Topics/Reading- Lecture

Introduction to this course and Dynamic Systems/Reader Ch. 1- 09/10
Modeling of Dynamic Systems/Reader Ch. 2- 09/12, 09/17, 09/19
State-Space Modeling and Simulation via Matlab/Simulink/Reader Ch. 3- 09/26(Quiz1), 10/1
Matlab/Simulink(Competition ProjectDue: 11/7)Class room at Room 434/Reader Ch. 3,Matlab notes, Simulink notes, My Lecture ppt Presentation Note-10/3, 10/8, 10/15(Quiz2)
The Geometry of Linear Equations/ GS.Ch1.1-2.1- 10/17
Elimination with Matrices/GS.Ch 2.2-2.3,Ref. pp-2-26~2-38- 10/22
Matrix Operations and Inverses/GS.Ch 2.4-2.5,Ref. pp-2-1~2-25, Ref. pp2-39~2-66- 10/22, 10/24
LU and LDU Factorization/GS.Ch 2.6,Ref. pp-2-67~2-79- 10/29(Quiz3)
Transposes and Permutations/GS.Ch 2.7- 10/29
Vector Spaces and Subspaces/GS.Ch 3.1,Ref. pp5-1~5-39 - 10/31
The Nullspace: Solving Ax = 0/GS.Ch 3.2- 11/5(Quiz4)
Rectangular PA = LU and Ax = b/GS.Ch 3.3~3.4,Ref. pp5-40~5-56- 11/5
Basis and Dimension/GS.Ch 3.5, Ref. pp5-40~5-56- 11/7
The Four Fundamental Subspaces/GS.Ch 3.6- 11/12(Quiz5)
Orthogonality/GS.Ch 4.1- 11/19
Projections and Subspaces/GS.Ch 4.2,Ref. pp 1-26- 11/19
Least Squares Approximations/GS.Ch 4.3-11/21
Gram-Schmidt and A = QR/GS.Ch 4.4- 11/26(Quiz6)
Determinants/GS.Ch 5.1~5.3,Ref. pp3-1~3-27,Ref. pp3-35~3-69-11/28, 12/3
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors/GS.Ch 6.1,Ref. pp7-1~7-77,Ref. pp7-87~7-91 - 12/5, 12/10
Diagonalization/GS.Ch 6.2,Ref. Pp8-1~8-79- 12/12(Quiz7)
Differential Equations/GS.Ch 6.3,Ref. pp8-80~8-102- 12/17
Symmetric Matrices/GS.Ch 6.4- 12/19(Quiz8)
Singular Value Decomposition/GS.Ch 6.7- 12/24
Pseudoinverse/GS.Ch 7.4- 12/26
Competition Project Demo (Tentative)- 12/31, 01/02
Final Exam -01/07


- Quiz: 8*5=40%
- Competition Project : 5%+10%+20%
- Final exam: 30%
- Policy for Exam Cheating/Project Copy- Exam cheating/Project Copy will make you fail for this class.


(available now)