一、課程說明(Course Description)

二、指定用書(Text Books)



1. Web site: http://www.arm.com.
2. ARM Architecture Reference Manual, Second Edition, edited by David Seal: Addison-Wesley: ISBN 0-201-73719-1, (Known as the "ARM ARM". ARM Doc No.: DDI-0100). Also available in PDF form with the ARM Developer Suite (ADS).
3. ARM System-on-Chip Architecture by S.Furber, Addison Wesley Longman: ISBN 0-201-67519-6, Japanese translation available. Book title: ARM Processor.. Publishing company: C Q Publishing Co., Ltd. ISBN4-7898-3351-8.
4. Reuse Methodology Manual for System-On-A-Chip Designs, 2nd Edition, by Michael Keating, Pierre Bricaud, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999.
5. Surviving the SOC Revolution - A Guide to Platform-Based Design by Henry Chang et al., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999.
6. SOC/IP Websites (www.altera.com, www.xilinx.com, www.openmore.com, www.vsa.org , www.icdiy.org, www.eedesign.com, www.eda.org, etc.)

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)

實驗為主, 輔以課堂講解


週數 題目 課程內容 實驗內容
第四週 SOC Overview & ARM Integrator  ARM-based SoC and Development Tools
 ARM Architecture
第五週 Code development  Introduction to ARM Developer Suite (ADS)
 ARM/Thumb Code  Using ADS
 ARM/Thumb Interworking
第六週 Debugging and Evaluation  Introduction ARM eXtended Debugger (AXD)
 Debugging skills
 ARMulator  Breakpoints
 Watchpoints
 Evaluate software quality
第七週 JTAG and Multi-ICE  Test Access
 System Debugging  Using MultiICE
第八週 Core Peripherals  ARM Hardware Development
 ARM Integrator/AP Architecture  Timer/Interrupt
第九週 Standard I/O  GPIO, UART
 Keyboard/Mouse
 Button/Switch  μHAL
 Semihosting
第十週 Real-time OS  RTOS in SoC design  Working with μC/OS-II
第十一週 On-chip Bus  Introduce the ARM Bus  Working with Core module/Logic module
第十二週 Memory Controller + ASIC Logic  On-Chip SRAM
 DMA Controller
 External Memory Interface
 ARM Logic Module (LM)
 ARM Integrator  Load/Store memory data
 Verify the values in the SSRAM
 Program FPGA on the LM
 Implement a design by writing the FPGA
第十八週 Case Design for Term Project  JPEG encoder  Project Report


Homework 10%
lab :50%
term project:30%
final : 10%

