一、課程說明(Course Description)
This course addresses the VLSI implementation techniques for Digital Signal
Processing systems. Topics such as pipelining, retiming, folding/unfolding,
systolic array, fast convolution, discrete cosine transformation, scaling,
round-off noise analysis, and bit-level arithmetic
will be discussed in detail. Upon the completion, the students will be able to
implement a given DSP algorithm as an IC according to different design criteria.

二、指定用書(Text Books)

Keshab K. Parhi, "VLSI Digital Signal Processing Systems - Design and
Implementation", Wiley-Interscience Publication, ISBN 0-471-24186-5, 1999.



四、教學方式(Teaching Method)

Lecture by LCD projection


1. Introduction
2. Iteration Bound
3. Pipeline and Parallel Processing
4. Retiming
5. Unfolding
6. Scheduling
7. Folding
8. Systolic Architecture
9. Fast Convolution
10. Algorithmic Strength Reduction
11. Pipelined IIR
12. Scaling and Roundoff Noise
13. Bit-Level Arithmetic
A1. The implementation of FIR
A2. JPEG for Image Compression


Homework 30%, Midterm 30%, and Final Exam. 40%.

