一、課程說明(Course Description)

The First Half of this course will be taught by Prof. Wang, the class contents include:
Chap.1: Introduction, Chap.2: Basic Concepts, Chap.3:Analysis of Experimental Data, Chap.4: Sensing Devices, and Chap.12: Nuclear Radiation Measurements.

The Second Half of this course will be taught by Prof. Su by using Chinese:
Chapters 5-11, selective experimental methods and techniques including pressure, flow, temperature, thermal- and transport-properties, force, torque, strain, ..., etc.

二、指定用書(Text Books)

J.P. Holman, "Experimental Methods for Engineers" 7th edition (2001), published by McGraw-Hill


四、教學方式(Teaching Method)

conventional way


The first 8 weeks: Chaps.1-4, 12
The second 8 weeks: Chaps. 5-11


exams, homework, and quizzes
