一、課程說明(Course Description)
This course is designed for graduate or senior students who are major in molecular biology related field. Instructors will assume that students have taken undergraduate level molecular biology, cell biology and biochemistry. The whole lectures will be divided into four major sections: (1) DNA and Prokaryotic transcription, (2) Proteins, (3) Nucleus, and (4) Cells. We will begin with DNA replication, recombination, transposons and retroposons and discuss the molecular biology of prokaryotic organisms and their association bacteriophages. Then, we will introduce the molecular biology of proteins, including messenger RNA, protein synthesis, genetic code, protein localization and trafficking. Discussion on nucleus will be followed and we will focus on chromosome, nucleosomes, DNA repair, transcriptional regulation in eukaryotic cells, RNA splicing and Catalytic RNA. In the last section, we will turn our focus to the molecular biology of the cell. Signal transduction, cell cycle, and cancer biology will be discussed.

二、指定用書(Text Books)

Lewin, B. 2008. Genes IX, Jones and Bartlett.


In some case,additional references and reading assignments might be given by the lecturer.

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)

The classes contain mainly lectures. Students are encouraged to discuss with
the lecturers about content and questions.

To be announced


There will be two examinations for the whole semester. Each examination will be worth 50% of your total score. There is no provision for doing extra or outside work to improve your grade.

To be announced