一、課程說明(Course Description)

This course is about the principles of digital logic and
its implementation in circuits and systems.
Modern electronics/computer engineers should be able to
effectively utilize millions or even billions of logic gates
available from advanced semiconductor manufacturing process.
Logic design is fundamental to such applications as
computer, audio/video/graphics, wired/wireless communication.
Some technology from this course will be useful in other courses.
For example, finite state machine is essential in compiler design.

We will cover the following topics:

1. Introduction to computer circuits
2. Two level Combinational Logic
3. Multilevel Combinational Logic
4. Programmable Logic
5. Arithmetic Logic Circuits
6. Sequential Logic Design
7. Sequential Logic Case Studies
8. Finite State Machine Design
9. Finite State Machine Optimization
10. Computer Organization

They are the first ten chapters of the textbook.

二、指定用書(Text Books)

Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals, 4th ed Mano & Kime
Prentice Hall


四、教學方式(Teaching Method)

Home work
Machine problem (Using Verilog Hardware Description Language and its Simulator)
Quiz, Two Midterms and Final Exam




Visit http://lin.cs.nthu.edu.tw where you can find records of all courses taught by Professor Lin.