A. 課程Quantum Mechanics with Application to Solid State Systems
(量子力學 - 固態量子論)

1. Review of QM principles
-Hermitian operators, eigenvalues and eigenstates, commutator,
labeling of states, QM interpretation

2. Review of 1D QM
-free particles, barrier, well, tunneling

3. Symmetry and states
-inversion symmetry, parity
-spherical symmetry, angular momentum
-translational symmetry, Bloch’s theorem

4. Perturbation theory
- time-indep. perturbation
- time-dep. perturbation (light-matter interaction, impurity scattering)

5. Band structure theory
– variational principle
– tight-binding calculation

6. Quantized crystal vibrations – harmonic oscillators, phonons

7. Statistics
-Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein distributions

B. 指定用書(Text Books)

1."Introduction to quantum mechanics", by D. J. Griffiths
2."Theory and applications of quantum mechanics," by A. Yariv

1. any standard quantum mechanics textbook
2. "Introduction to solid state physics", by C. Kittel

D.教學方式(Teaching Method)


E. 成績考核(Evaluation)

1. 作業 2. 考試
