一、課程說明(Course Description)
The silicon integrated circuit is surely one of the wonders of our age. The ability to fabricate tens of millions of individual components on a chip with an area of a few centimeter square has enabled the information age. This course attempts to describe not only the manufacturing practice associated with the technologies used in silicon chip fabrication, but also the underlying scientific basis for those technologies.

二、指定用書(Text Books)
J. D. Plummer, M. M. Deal, and P. B. Griffin, Silicon VLSI Technology, Prentice Hall, 2000.

To be announced

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)
1. In Chinese
2. power point slides will be uploaded in the e-learning system one week before we start the chapter.
3. We may invite few speakers from industry to give a more comprehensive and advanced view on some special issues discussed in our lecture.

1. Introduction
2. Modern Electronic Device Technology
3. Crystal Growth, Wafer Fabrication and Basic Properties of Silicon Wafers
4. Semiconductor Manufacturing
5. Lithography
6. Thermal Oxidation
7. Diffusion
8. Ion Implantation
9. Thin Film Deposition
10. Etching
11. Back-end technology

5 Midterms (20% for each)
In order to keep you following my lecturing, we will have
one small-scale midterm for every two chapters.