
一、課程說明(Course Description)
Numerical computation is an indespensable tool in applied mathematics even pure mathematics. In real world application, mathematical analytic power is very limited and we need to compute the numerical solutions. In this course we shall learn (i) how to derive numerical algorithms for mathematical problems and analyze how accurately the the numerical solutions approximated the true solutions (ii) the basic skills of scientific computation for example ,writing computer programs by C++,Fortran or matlab languages.

二、指定用書(Text Books)

R.L. BURDEN and J.D. FAIRES, Numerical Analysis, 8th
edition, @2005, ISBN 0-534-40499-5, paperback. 團購書價請洽華通書局. 華通書局電話:03 572 0317 and 573 8386; Mr. Lee, 0939-558-750

三、參考書籍(References): (i) ATKINSON, Kendall E. , An introduction to numerical analysis , 2nd ed, 1989; (ii) David KINCAID and Ward CHENEY, Numerical analysis /mathematics of scientific computing / 2nd ed.

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)


Chapter 1-6 and chapter 9-10.

六, 成績考核
Homework and Computer assignments 50%
Midterm Exam. 25%
Final Exam. 25%
