一、課程說明(Course Description)

Following the introduction to key component circuits used in neuromorphic engineering in Neuromorphic VLSI Design I, this course continues to introduce various neuromorphic VLSI systems, including the sensory systems such as silicon retina, silicon cochlea, electronic nose, learning and memory in silicon, and cognitive functions in silicon. The emerging technologies for interfacing silicon with neural tissue, and for further developing a hybrid neuron-silicon system in which neuromorphic neurons can interact with biological neurons will also be introduced.

二、指定用書(Text Books)

Power-point handouts will be prepared


1. "Analog VLSI and Neural Systems", ed. C. A. Mead, 1990
2. “Neuromorphic systems”, ed. By Leslie S. Smith and Alister Hamilton, World Science, 1998
3. “Learning on Silicon – Adaptive VLSI Neural Systems”, ed. by Gert Cauwenberghs and Magdy A. Bayoumi, Kluwer Academic Publisher, 1999
4. “Smart adaptive systems on silicon”, ed. by Maurizio Valle, Kluwer Academic Publisher, 2004
5. “Neural Engineering” ed. by Bin He, Kluwer Academic Publisher, 2005

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)

The course is lectured in Englsih with power-point handouts.
Related materials will be distributed in class


1. Sensory systems
– Silicon cochlea
– Silicon retina
– Electronic nose
2. Learning on Silicon
– Adaptive filters
– Supervised and unsupervised learning
– Hebbian learning in silicon
3. Cognitive function in Silicon
– Supervised and unsupervised neural networks in VLSI
– Attention
– Artificial conciousness
4. Neuron-Silicon Interface
– Basic neuroscience and electrochemistry
– Multi-electrode arrays and its driving circuits
– Basic, driving circuits
5. Hybrid Neuron-Silicon system
– Hodgkin-Huxley Model in VLSI
– Volterra-Poisson Model in VLSI
6. Emulating neural growth cone in silicon, new device/materials for integration with silicon


In-class report/literature search : 30%
Midterm Exam 30%
Final project proposal 10%
Final project 30%


To be announced