一、課程說明(Course Description)

二、指定用書(Text Books)

1.Charles H.Fine “Clockspeed: Winning Industry Control in the Age of
Temporary Advantage”, 1998 (李均譯”脈動速度下的決策者”, 大塊文化, 2000)

2.David Simchi-Levi, Philip Kaminsky, and Edith Simchi-Levi, Designing and Managing the Supply Chain, third edition, McGraw-Hill, 2007(蘇雄義譯,供應鏈之設計與管理,2003)

3.利豐研究中心,供應鏈管理: 利豐集團的實踐經驗, 三聯書店(香港), 2003

4.Thomas Friedman “The World is Flat”, 2005(楊振富譯, “世界是平的”, 雅言, 2005)



2.Shoshanah Cohen, Joseph Roussel, Strategic Supply Chain Management, McGraw-Hill, 2004 (陳琇玲譯,”供應鏈策略管理五大修練”, 美商麥格羅希爾台灣分公司, 2004)

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)



Part I: Basics of supply Chain

1.Understanding the Supply Chain
2.Bullwhip effect and Beer Game Lab
3.The Value of Information

Part II: Developing a supply chain strategy

4. Clockspeed(I)
5. Clockspeed(II)
6. Clockspeed(III)

Part III: Designing and Managing the supply Chain

7.Supply Chain Integration(Dell case)
8.Distribution Strategies(Amazon case)
9. Procurement and Outsourcing
10. Product Design and Supply Chain Management HP DeskJet Printer case discussion
11.SMART and Mi-Adidas (mass customization case)
12.利豐case (I) 第2篇(貿易)
13.Supply Chain Alliances and CPFR case(力山)
14.利豐case (II)第3篇(經銷)
15.利豐case (III)第4(零售)、5篇(物流)


Team presentation and report 20%
Homeworks 30%
Class participation and sharing 25%
Term Project or Exam 25%
