一、課程說明(Course Description)
本課將從管理角度並輔以個案討論(case discussion)來探討「供應鏈」的管理,及應用IT來促進企業在供應鏈時代下之營運轉型。「供應鏈管理」將以個案與線上遊戲為主來探討國內外供應鏈新議題,涵蓋:長鞭效應、SCOR(Supply Chain Operation Reference Model)、供應鏈之生產配銷網路、供應鏈整合、策略聯盟、委外等。期末專題將以國內實務e化個案為討論主題。本課程並非基礎課程,是「生產管理」之進階課程,適合對供應鏈管理與企業電子化已有基礎者為佳。
三、指定用書(Text Books)
David Simchi-Levi, Philip Kaminsky, and Edith Simchi-Levi, Designing and Managing the Supply Chain, third edition, McGraw-Hill, 2007(何應欽譯,供應鏈設計與管理,新陸書局,2008)
1. Thomas Friedman “The World is Flat”, 2005(楊振富譯, “世界是平的”, 雅言, 2005)
2. Hartmut Stadtler, Christoph Kilger, Supply Chain Management and Advanced Planning, Springer, 3rd edition, 2004
3. Sunil Chopra and Peter Meindl, Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operations, Prentice Hall, 3rd edition, 2007(新月代理)
4. Allan Afuah and Christopher L. Tucci “Internet Business Models and Strategies”, McGraw-Hill, 2nd edition, 2002(呂執中譯”電子化策略與經營模式”, 第二版,滄海, 2006)
5. 林則孟,『生產計畫與管理』,華泰出版,2006
6. 林則孟等人,製商整合e化個案集(I)(II),教育部顧問室,2004,2005
五、教學方法(Teaching Method)
同學們將被分成數組進行team homework及討論報告。作業之一將引進國外一有關供應鏈之生產、存貨、配銷網路之動態運作之遊戲軟體「supply chain game」,同學將被分組(兩人一組)要求上網決策,決策過程與運作績效將要求做成專題口頭與書面報告。期末專題將以實務個案為主,分組探討幾個國內國內商業e化個案。
1. Understanding the Supply Chain
2. Beer Game Lab
3. The value of information, Beer Game Discussion
4. SCOR(Supply Chain Operation Reference Model) and Alpha casee
5. Supply Chain Management
6. Supply Chain Integration (Dell case)
7. Strategic Network Planning(ElecComp or H.C. Starck case)
8. Supply Chain Game
9. Supply Chain Alliances (Kimberly-Clark case)
10. Inventory Management and Risk Pooling(Sport Obermeyer case)
11. Outsourcing Strategies(Zara case) and eProcurement
12. Distribution Strategies(Amazon case)
13. Coordinated Product and Supply Chain Design(HP Deskjet supply chain case)
14. Case discussion
Teamwork 20%
Supply chain game 20%
Homeworks 20%
Term project or Exam 20%
Class participation(case discussion) 20%