Course Description:
This course aims to review our current understanding of how molecular genetics control behaviors. We
will specifically focus on fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster for the discussion.
Test Books:
Fly pushing (2nd edition) by Ralph J. Greenspan, ISBN 0-87969-711-3
Drosophila, a practical approach Ed. by D. B. Roberts, ISBN0-947946-45-4
Teaching Method:
Lectures and oral presentation will be the main formats.
1. The advance of Drosophila genetic tools (3 weeks).
2. Fly innate behaviors (4 weeks).
3. Acquired behaviors of Drosophila (4 weeks)
3. Fly behaviors and assays (5 weeks).
4. Techniques related to behavioral assays (4 weeks).
Oral presentation and final exam.
Students must acquire basic knowledge of fly genetics. Consensus is required before registering this