一、課程說明(Course Description)

This two-hour lecture offers in-depth knowledge and current progress in the field of cytoskeletal-related
research in the context of signal transduction and human diseases. The first part of the course will focus
on the fundamental aspects of the cytoskeleton, including structure, function and dynamics. The second
part will introduce the emerging concept that the cytoskeleton serves as a signalling platform.
In the third part, course will be centered on mutations in the cytoskeleat proteins and how these
mutations cause a wide range of human diseases.

二、指定用書(Text Books)




四、教學方式(Teaching Method)

This course is intended to offer students with knowledge in the field of cytoskeletal research beyond
texbook. The teaching contents will come from most recent review articles, including Nature Rev. Mol. Cell
Biol., J Clinic. Investigation, Trends in Cell Biology and Curr Opin Cell Biol. This course will be offered in
English. We also invite lecturers from Department of Biomedical Engineering and environmental Science
and from National Chiao-Tung University to share their expertise in this field. Teaching is in English.


1. An overview of the cytoskeletal system
2. Microtubule and its associated proteins
3. The many faces of actin
4. The cytoskeletal proteins in the muscle
5. Intermediate filament cytoskeleton
6. The cytoskeletal crosstalk and signal transduction
7. Cell migration and signal transduction
8. Cytoskeletal signaling in stress
9. Cytoskeletal signalling during cell growth
10. Neuronal injury and signal transduction
11. Cytoskeletal defects and human diseases
12. IF-relate diseases - desminopathies
13. IF-related diseases – Astrogliopathies
14. Actinopathies and tauopathies


Attendance (20%)
Mid-term report (40%)
Final exam-oral presentation (40%)

