一、課程說明(Course Description)

二、指定用書(Text Books)
"Introduction to the thermodynamics of materials",
D.R. Gaskell; 4th Ed., 2003

1. R.A. Swalin,"Thermodynamics of Solids", 2nd ed., 1972
2. R.T. DeHoff:"Thermodynamics in Materials Science", 1993

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)

第一週 Ch.1~8 Review of fundamental Thermodynamics(I):
1.Scope of Materials Thermodynamics, 2.Laws of Thermodynamics, 3.Definitions of thermodynamic functions and some important parameters, 4.Variation of V, S, H, G as a function of T, P.
第二週 Ch.1~8 Review of fundamental Thermodynamics(II):
1.Calculation of S, H, G and S, H, G for temperature changes at constant P, 2.Application of Gibbs-Helmholtz Eq., Clapeyron Eq., Clausius-Clapeyron Eq, 3.G(T,P) for a single phase substance and two-phases equilibrium.
第三週 Ch.1~8 Review of fundamental Thermodynamics(III):
1.Thermodynamics of ideal and real gases, 2. Thermodynamics of mixing of ideal gases: definitions of partial molar quantities, calculations of Smix, Umix, Hmix, Gmix
第四週 Ch.9 Behavior of solutions(I):
1.Raoult’s law and Henry’s law, 2.Activity of a component in solution, 3.Gibbs-Duhem equation, 4.Relation between G and of binary solution, 5.Relation between ai,and  ,GM, 6.Method of graphical determination of  from GM
第五週 Ch.9 Behavior of solutions(II):
1.Properties of ideal solution, 2.Nonideal solution, 3.Application of Gibbs-Duhem equation (1-2).
第六週 Ch.9 Behavior of solutions(III):
1.Apllication of Gibbs-Duhem equation(3), 2.Regular solution,3.Non-regular solution
第七週 Ch.9 Behavior of solutions(IV):
1.Quasi-chemical model of solutions, 2.Calculation examples.
第八週 Ch.10 Binary phase Diagrams and GM (XB) curves(I):
1.GM (XB) curve of a homogeneous solution, 2. GM (XB) curve of a regular solution, 3.Citerior for phase stability in regular solution.
第九週 1.Mid-term exam, 2. Ch.10 Binary phase Diagrams and GM (XB) curves(II): Standard states and two-phases equilibrium.
第十週 Ch.10 Binary phase Diagrams and GM (XB) curves(III):
1.Isomorphous phase diagram, 2.Binary phase diagrams with liquid and solid exhibiting regular solution,
第十一週 Ch.10 Binary phase Diagrams and GM (XB) curves(IV):
1.Eutectic phase diagrams.2.Monotectic phase diagram, 3.Calculation examples.
第十二週 Ch.11 Reactions involving gases(I):
1.Reaction equilibrium in gas mixture and equilibrium constant, 2.Effect of temperature on Kp, 3.Effect of total pressure on Kp.
第十三週 Ch.11 Reactions involving gases(II):
1.Reaction equilibrium in SO2-SO3-O2 system, 2.To keep a constant pO2 through gas mixture of SO2/SO3, CO/CO2, H2/H2O.
第十四週 Ch.11 Reactions involving gases(III): Calculation examples.
Ch.12 Reactions involving gases and pure condensed phases(I): 1.Reaction equilibrium in a system containing pure condensed phases and gas phases. 2.Variation of “Standard Gibbs free energy change” with T.
第十五週 Ch.12 Reactions involving gases and pure condensed phases(II): 1.Ellingham Diagrams, 2.Stability of metals and metal-oxides.
第十六週 Ch.12 Reactions involving gases and pure condensed phases(III): 1.Effect of phase transition, 2.Stability of oxides in H2/H2O gas mixtures. 3.Nomographic scale of H2/H2O
第十七週 Ch.12 Reactions involving gases and pure condensed phases(IV): 1.Stability of oxides in CO/CO2 gas mixtures,.2.Upper limit of (pCO/pCO2) at a fixed T, 3.Calculation examples.

* 小考(20%)+期中考(40%)+期末考(40%)
* 依原始分數之統計分布,調整學期成績.
