一、課程說明(Course Description)

The nervous systems of even simple animals contain computing paradigms far more effective than any found in currently available computers. These nervous systems can be realized in silicon integrated circuits. This is the motivation of neuromorphic engineering.

This course is to introduce students to neuromorphic engineering with various analog VLSI circuits. The course will start from the basic transistor physics. MOS transistor in the subthreshold region and various circuit building blocks will be introduced. Some system-level integration examples will be discussed at the end if time permits.

Junior and senior undergraduate students are also welcome!

二、指定用書(Text Books)

Liu, Kramer, Indiveri, Delbruck, and Douglas, "Analog VLSI: Circuits and Principles"
The MIT Press, 2002, ISBN:0262122553


C. A. Mead, "Analog VLSI and Neural Systems"
Mead and Ismail, "Analog VLSI implementation of Neural Systems"
Ismail and Fiez, "Analog VLSI Signal and Information Processing"

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)

The course is lectured in Englsih with power-point handouts.
Related materials will be distributed in class


1. Introduction to Neuromorphic Engineering
2. Transistor physics and characteristics
3. Basic static circuits
4. Transconductance amplifier
5. Current-mode circuits
6. Basic Arithmetic circuits
7. Translinear Circuits
8. Floating Gate MOSFET
9. Silicon Learning Array
10. Multiple-Input Translinear Element (MITE) Networks
11. Linear Systems
12. Integrators and Differentiators
13. Autozeroing amplifier
14. Silicon Neuron and Axons


Homework 25%, Midterm 25%, Final 25%, Term Project 25%


To be announced