指定用書(Text Books)

The lecture notes (text format) will be written by the instructor and
chapter by chapter.


Title: Nanostructure Physics and Devices

Theoretical part:

1.Review of 1D/2D quantum mechanics/statistics
-Wave solutions
-Density of states
-1D noninteracting metal - quantized conductance

2.1D interacting metal – Luttinger liquid (I)
-Review of Fermi Liquid
-Green’s function

3.1D interacting metal – Luttinger liquid (II)
-Strong correlation
-Density of states
-Tunneling conductance

4.Spintronics – Luttinger liquid approach
-Scaling dimension of impurity potential
-Spin filtering effect of Luttinger liquid

5.2D grapheme
-Band structure
-Klein paradox

Experimental part:

6.Electrical transport
-Difficulties in the measurements of intrinsic I-V characteristics
-Transport measurements
-Data analysis

7.1D electrical transport and electronic device
-Silicon-compatible carbon nanotube processing technologies
-Noninteracting transport and devices
-Interacting transport and devices

8.Spin transport and devices
-Generation of spin-polarized current
-Local measurement of spin current (Spin valve effect)
-Non-local measurement of spin current
-Spin transistors
-Spin non-volatile memory

9.Graphene-based electronics
-Silicon-compatible graphene processing technologies
-Klein paradox and ballistic transport
-Graphene field effect transistors


Homework (20%), midterm (40%), final (40%)