一、課程說明(Course Description)

本課程範圍為作業管理(Operations Management)中特殊與生產密切關係的生產計劃與管制系統(PPC,Production Planning and Control System),將著重探討PPC的整體架構及其功能。因此在理論上將探討數個有關生產計劃與管制的基本功能模式,包括供給與需求,預測,存貨管制,總合生產計劃,主排程,物料需求計劃(MRP),產能規劃,作業排程,限制理論,生產活動管制,與精實生產等,並以個案、作業與模擬遊戲輔助學習。

二、指定用書(Text Books)

林則孟著,"生產計畫與管理", 華泰,2006


Thomas E. Vollmann, William L. Berry, D. Clay Whybark, and F. Robert Jacobs, Manufacturing Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management, MiGraw-Hill, 5th edition, 2004
高德拉特(Eliyahu M. Goldratt)等著,齊若蘭譯 ”目標(The Goal)”, 天下文化出版社,1996
今井正明著,許文治譯 ”現場改善”,McGraw-Hill台灣分公司,1997

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)

上課, 作業,線上遊戲與個案討論


1. Introduction of Production Planning and Control
2. Demand and Supply - LittleField Game
3. Demand Forecast
4. Inventory Control
5. Material Requirements Planning(MRP)
6. Master Production Scheduling(MPS)
7. Capacity Planning
8. Aggregate Production Planning
9. Operations Scheduling
10. TOC(Theory Of Constraints) – DBR(Drum-Buffer-Rope)
11. Shop Floor Operations and Production Activity Control(PAC)
12. Lean Production


Quiz and Class Participation 15%
Homeworks (Individual) 20%
Littlefield Game (Team work) 20%
Two Examinations 45%

