一、 課程說明(Course Description)

Students are encouraged to consult with the instructor before taking the course. Prerequisite: college-level molecular and cell biology.

Instructur: YJ Chuang; Email: yjchuang@life.nthu.edu.tw

建議與授課教師討論後,再加簽選修。具 [細胞生物學] 及 [分子生物學] 基礎為佳。

授課老師: 莊永仁; Email: yjchuang@life.nthu.edu.tw

二、 指定用書(Text Books)


三、 參考書籍(References)

1. An introduction to vascular biology: from basic science to clinical practice
Second Edition, Beverly J. Hunt et al.

2. Hematology: bascia principles and practice
Fourth Edition, Ronald Hoffman et al.

3. Endothelial cells in health and disease
William C, Arid.

4. Mechanisms of vascular disease: a textbook for vascular surgeons
Robert Fitridge and Matthew Thompson

四、 教學方式(Teaching Method)

Interactive Discussion (小班式互動討論); Presentation.

五、 暫定教學進度(Syllabus)

Section 1 Blood Components
1. Plasma
2. Blood Cells: Erythrocytes, Leukocytes, Megakaryocytes/platelets
3. Hematopoiesis/Stem cells, Anemia, Blood groups
4. Immunoglobulins and Complement

Section 2 Hemostasis and Blood Coagulation
1. Blood coagulation: Clotting factors, Fibrinogen and the formation of fibrin, Thrombin, Surface-mediated reactions initiating the intrinsic pathway, Fibrinolysis and related phenomena, Inhibition of clotting and fibrinolysis
2. Platelets and blood coagulation
3. Thrombosis

Section 3 Circulation
1. The circuitry
2. Responses and regulation of the circuitry
3. Vascular smooth muscle cells

Section 4 Pathophysiology of the vasculatures
1. Endothelial dysfunction
2. Hypertension
3. Imaging techniques in vascular biology
4. Angiogenesis
5. Vasculatures in diabetes and during pregnancy

六、 成績考核(Evaluation)

Attendance, Quiz, Report and Presentation

七、 可連結之網頁位址

NTHU E-Learning System