一、課程說明(Course Description)

Engineers meet Biologists: Cytoarchitecture, Cell crawling and Cell mechanics offers a course to explain
the mechanical properties of the cytoskeleton for graduate students in the general field of cell biology and
for engineers required to consider added dimensions to their work. In the first part of this course, we will
focus on the architecture of the biological cell's internal structure formed by an interconnected network of
the cytoskelon, including microtubules, microfilaments and intermediate filaments. In the second part,
courses will be centered on topics such as underlying physical principles behind cytoskeletal structures,
and mechanical foundation for molecular motors.

二、指定用書(Text Books)



Mechanics of the Cell by David Boal, Cambridge University Press (2001).
Mechanics of Motor Proteins and the Cytoskeleton by Jonathon Howard, Sinauer Associates Inc.,U.S.; New
edition (2005).

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)

This course is intended to offer students with knowledge in the field of cytoskeletal research with
particular focus on the celullar fiber system, cellular movement mechanisms, mechanotransduction and
biophysical properties of the cytoskeleton. In addititon to assigned textbook, the teaching contents will
come from most recent review articles, which will provide students with the most up-to-date knowledge
and advance in the cytoarchitecture, cell crawling and cell mechanics. We also invite lecturers from
Department of Biomedical Engineering and environmental Science and from National Chiao-Tung
University to share their expertise in this field. This course will be offered in English.


共15周, 每周 2 小時

1. Introduction of the cytoskeleton
2. Microtubule and its associated proteins
3. Actin-containing microfilaments
4. Intermediate filament cytoskeleton
5. The microtubules and neurodegenerative disease
6. The cytoskeleton and cell mobility
7. Cytoskeletal defects and human diseases
8. Kinesins, their mechanical properties and MEMS
9. Myosins, Dynein and an the problems of trafficking
10. Biological and non-biological nanomachines
11. Cell mechanics I
12. Cell mechanics II
13. Diffusion, friction and entropic forces acting on molecular motors Part I
14. Diffusion, friction and entropic forces acting on molecular motors Part II
15. Student’s journal club on molecular motors


