一、課程說明(Course Description)
This course is to learn the optics applications on the real world, in electronics products, in beam technology, and in material characterization.
The students should have a basic knowledge of electronics, magnetism and modern physics. This course does not emphasiz on the methematical calcultion and the derivatives formula and equations, instead, the the optics phenomena and experimental methods will be emphasized. This course will review the basic concept of optics within two months, and then move to the applications of optics. The subjects of optics applications that will be covered depends on the student's thesis topics. However, the application of synchrotron radiation beamline design and applications will definitely be included. The basic concept of solar cell and display and light emitting diode will also be covered.

二、指定用書(Text Books)
OPtics, Eugene Hecht, 4th edition, Addison-Wesley (2002)甌亞書局

Fundamentals of Phtonics, Bahaa Saleh & Malvin Carl Teich, John Wiley& Sons.

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)

1. light and light source
2. Propagation of light
3. Geometric optics
4. Polarization
5. Diffraction
6. Coherence Theory
7. Photons and Atoms
8. Semiconductor Optics
9. Guided wave optics
10. Laser
11.synchrotoron beamlines
12. solar cell, display, light emitting diode and Detectors
13 Final examination
14. special topics-I
15. special topics-II

Quiz and excerise 20%
Final examination 40%
Term paper for your special project 40%