1. Course Description:
The course will discuss latest concepts relating to the structure and function of cellular membranes and organelles. Starting from the physical properties of membranes, the course will examine membrane biogenesis, membrane dynamics, and intracellular trafficking. Examples will be drawn from specific membrane functions in the various organelles. Topics will include biogenesis of different cellular organelles and critical issues of trafficking such as protein sorting and targeting. Latest papers on fundamental aspects of biogenesis and trafficking will be discussed along with the corresponding lectures.

2. Text Books: N/A

3. References:
The Biogenesis of Cellular Organelles. Landes Biosciences, 2005, ISBN: 0-306-47990-7
Related papers in the latest journals such as Nature, Science, and Cell.

4. Teaching Method:
English lectures with paper discussions

5. Syllabus:
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Organelle biogenesis
Week 3: Endoplasmic reticulum biogenesis
Week 4: The Golgi apparatus
Week 5: Lysosome biogenesis and dynamics
Week 6: Nucleogenesis
Week 7: Mitochondrial biogenesis
Week 8: Mid-term-
Week 9: The dynamics of mitochondria morphology
Week 10: The biogenesis and cell biology of peroxisome
Week 11: Protein transport to nucleus
Week 12: Biogenesis of secretory vesicles
Week 13: ER-Golgi membrane trafficking
Week 14: Protein sorting during endocytosis
Week 15: The biogenesis and human diseases
Week 16: Final Exam

6. Evaluation:
40% - Mid-term Exam
40% - Final Exam
10% - discussion in the classes
10% - attendance.

7. Hyperlink:
All the materials will be upload to NTHU moodle e-learning system