Translational Medicine

一、課程說明(Course Description)

Translational medicine can be defined as "bench-to-bedside" research wherein a basic laboratory discovery becomes applicable to the diagnosis, treatment or prevention of a specific disease. We will discuss guidelines for designing and conducting a translational study and analyzing and reporting results and discusses key ethical and regulatory issues. We will also discuss selected successful examples and cover the basic sciences behind them. Physician scientist lecturers will be invited to offer their viewpoints and experiences in lab and clinics.

"Clinical and Translational Science: principles of human research”
David Robertson and Gordon H. Williams
Elsevier/Academic Press, 2009
eBook available at NTHU library http://www.lib.nthu.edu.tw/


Journal of Translational Medicine

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)

Lectures; Project; Group Presentation and Discussion


Section 1: Planning and Designing Translational Research
1. Defining the research question
2. Experimental study designs
3. Database development

Section 2: Modern Techniques of translational research
1. Genomics: gene expression profiling, SNP, molecular cloning
2. Proteomics
3. Metabolomics and Cellomics
4. Bioimaging : cell and tissue

Midterm Evaluation (Group Project Discussion and Presentation)

Section 3: Special topics
1. “Small” clinical research
2. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
3. Gene therapy and pharmacogenomic studies

Section 4: Example
1. Cardiovascular diseases
2. Cancer
3. Neuronal disorder

Final Evaluation (Term Paper)


1. Quiz (2) 10% each; and Exam (1) 20%
2. Group project/presentation (1) 30%
3. Term paper (1) 30%


TBA; E-Learning system