ESS 302001 Morden Physics I

一、課程說明(Course Description)
This is the first semester course of Modern Physics.
Teaching material includes:

chap 1 & 2 : an introduction to relativity
chap 3, 4, 5 : an historical and conceptual introduction to early developments in quantum theory
chap 6 through 9: introduction to Schrodinger equation, tunneling phenomena, hydrogen atom, and multielectron atoms

二、指定用書(Text Books)
Serway/Moses/Moyer, "Modern Physics", 3rd ed., Brooks/Cole--Thomson Learning, 2005


四、教學方式(Teaching Method)
2h30 lecture per week


Week 1&2 : Chap1 : Relativity I
Week 3&4 : Chap2 : Relativity II
Week 5&6 : Chap3 : Quantum theory of light
Week 7&8 : Chap4 : Particle nature of nature
Week 9 : Chap5 : Matter waves
Week 10&11: Chap6 : Quantum mechanics in 1D
Week 12&13: Chap7 : Tunneling phenomena
Week 14&15: Chap8 : Quantum mechanics in 3D
Week:16 : Chap9 : Atomic structure

Homework : 15%
Quiz : 20%
Midterm exam: 30%
Final exam : 35%
