本課程為大學部課程,主要研讀三位著名英國經驗主義哲學家洛克(John Locke, 1632-1704)、巴克萊(George Berkeley, 1685-1753)與休謨(David Hume, 1711-1776)在知識論與形上學方面的主張。當代哲學討論的很多哲學議題,可說是從批判他們的主張為起點而開始進行討論的,也有當代哲學家提出創新的角度來詮釋與辯護他們的哲學主張;本課程將會從當代哲學的角度來評價他們所提出的主張與論證。
討論的主題包括有洛克之經驗主義的知識論主張、他的「實體」(substance)觀、洛克與休謨論「人格同一」(personal identity)問題、洛克關於語言之意義的理論、巴克萊的觀念論(idealism)、以及休謨論因果與歸納法的有效性。

Berkeley and the Principles of Human Knowledge, Robert J. Fogelin, Routledge, 2001.
Hume on Knowledge, Harold W. Noonan, Routledge, 1999.
Locke, E. J. Lowe, Routledge, 2005.

The Empiricists: Locke: Concerning Human Understanding; Berkeley: Principles of Human Knowledge & 3 Dialogues; Hume: Concerning Human Understanding & Concerning Natural Religion, edited by R. Taylor, New York: Anchor Books, 1960.


Weeks 1-2 洛克論知識;洛克的經驗主義 (Locke, Chapter 2: Knowledge and Experience)
Weeks 3-4 洛克論實體(substance)與本質;洛克論「人格同一」(personal identity)問題 (Locke, Chapter 3: Substance and Identity)
Week 5 洛克論語言意義 (Locke, Chapter 4: Language and Meaning)
Week 6 洛克論自由行動與意志 (Locke, Chapter 5: Agency and Will)
Weeks 7-8 介紹巴克萊的觀念論(idealism)立場 (Berkeley and the Principles of Human Knowledge, Chapters 2-5)
Weeks 9-10 檢視巴克萊對反對意見的回應 (Berkeley and the Principles of Human Knowledge, Chapters 6-7)
Week 11 巴克萊論其觀念論立場的優點 (Berkeley and the Principles of Human Knowledge, Chapters 8-10)
Week 12 介紹休謨的經驗主義 (Hume on Knowledge, Chapter 2: Hume’s theory of the mind)
Weeks 13-14 休謨論因果與歸納法 (Hume on Knowledge, Chapter 3: Causation, induction and necessary connection)
Week 15 休謨論人相信外在事物存在之原因 (Hume on Knowledge, Chapter 4: The external world)
Week 16 休謨論「人格同一」問題 (Hume on Knowledge, Chapter 5: The self and personal identity)
Week 17 康德對於休謨之因果理論的回應 (“Kant and Hume on Causality,” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
