CS2405 “Programming Methodology with Objective-C and SmartPhone Programming”
"Objective-C 與智慧手機程式設計"

by Professor Youn-Long Lin, Fall 2011, NTHU-CS


1. Introduction to programming
2. Object-Oriented programming paradigms
3. Objective-C programming language
4. Software development methodology and environment
5. Programming iPhone applications
6. Projects & Demonstration to the Public

This course is for students who are interested in developing APPs for iPhone, iPad, or iPod platform. We expect students to have one-semester background in computer programming (C, C++, or Java). Non-CS students are encouraged to team up with CS students for project teams.

We will use the XCode development suite running on Mac machines. Students are encouraged to find their own access to Mac. For those who have no Mac machine, the department will provide some time-sharing access.

We will hold a public demonstration of students' final projects. Only those who are determined to go all the way shall take this course.