Advanced numerical method is a course to introduce and to survey the
recent development of numerical algorithms. The topics may include
1. Numerical algorithms on emerging computational architectures, such
as GPU or multicore.
2. Parallel numerical algorithms.
3. Numerical algorithms for massive data set.
4. Numerical methods for solving large linear systems and
pre-conditioning techniques.
5. Numerical methods for solving large eigenvalue problems.
6. Numerical methods for matrix functions.
7. Numerical methods for optimization.
8. Numerical methods for tensor and high dimensional data.
9. Fourier based method
10. Sparse matrix technique
For each topic, we will focus on its algorithms and numerical properties,
accuracy, performance, and data storage.
Students who take this course need to attend the lecture, present
papers, and implement some of the algorithms.
Implementation may use Matlab, C, or Fortran.
Pre-request: linear algebra, C programming, (parallel programming is
preferred, but not required.)