一、課程說明(Course Description)
This is an advanced level, paper discussion based course. It is designed for graduate students who are interested in studying mitochondrial related topics. The course aims to provide students with the advanced knowledge of genetics and pathophysiology of mitochondria. The up-to-date research topics and literature in this field will also be covered. Students who have knowledge of cell biology, molecular biology and genetics are preferred.

二、指定用書(Text Books)
The assigned readings will include the latest literature and prepared handouts. These references will be announced or given one week before the class.

The latest research papers focused on mitochondrial studies.

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)
The major format of this course is journal discussion on advanced topics in mitochondria-related studies. Students will be asked to make presentations on selected topics.


Your grade will be based on your performance and participation in the class discussion (50%), and your presentation in this course (50%).

