科目:學習與動機專題 (Topics in Learning and Motivation)



時間:週一下午 3:20 – 6:10

(1) Social Psychology: Critical Concepts in Psychology. (2011). Richard J. Crisp (Ed.). Routledge Press.
(2) Motivation, Language Identity and the L2 Self (MLILS). (2009). Zoltan Dornyei and Ema Ushioda (Eds.). Multilingual Matters.
(3) Identity, Motivation and Autonomy in Language Learning (IMALL). (2011). Garold Murray, Xuesong Gao, and Terry Lamb (Eds.). Multilingual Matters.


Week 1

Week 2
Culture and the Self
Hong, Y. (2000). Multicultural minds: A dynamic constructivist approach to culture and cognition. American Psychologist, 55, 709-720.
Markus, H., & Kitayama, S. (1991). Culture and the self: Implications for cognition, emotion, and motivation. Psychological Review, 98, 224-253.

Week 3
Theory of Learning Motivation: Need Orientation
Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (1992). The initiation and regulation of intrinsically motivated learning and achievement. In A. K. Boggiano & T. S. Pittman (Eds.), Achievement and motivation: A social-developmental perspective (pp. 9-36). New York: Cambridge University Press.
Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2000). The “What” and “Why” of goal pursuits: Human needs and the self-determination of behavior. Psychological Inquiry, 11(4), 227-268.
Li, J. (2003). U.S. and Chinese cultural beliefs about learning. Journal of Educational Psychology, 95(2), 258-267

Week 4
Theory of Learning Motivation: Cognitive Orientation
Dweck, C. S., & Leggett, E. L. (1988). A social-cognitive approach to motivation and personality. Psychological Review, 95, 256-273.
Dweck, C. S., Chiu, C. Y., & Hong, Y. Y. (1995). Implicit theories: Elaboration and extension of the model. Psychological Inquiry, 6 (4), 322-333.
Elliot, A. J., & McGregor, H. A. (2001). A 2 x 2 achievement goal framework. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 80, 501–519.

Week 5-6

Week 7
Learning, Motivation and Identity
Exploring Links between Identity, Motivation and Autonomy. IMALL, Chp 1.
Motivating Learners to Speak as Themselves. IMALL, Chp 2.
Ushioda, E. (2011). Language learning motivation, self and identity: Current theoretical perspectives. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 24(3), 199-210.

Week 8
Joining Forces for Synergy: Agency and Metacognition as Interrelated Theoretical Perspectives on Learner Autonomy. IMALL, Chp 3.
Identity, Motivation and Autonomy in Second Language Acquisition from the Perspective of Complex Adaptive Systems. IMALL, Chp 5.
Beliefs, Identity and Motivation in Implementing Autonomy: The Teacher’s Perspective. IMALL, Chp 9.

Week 9
Natural Talent, Natural Acquisition and Abroad: Learner Attributions of Agency in Language Learning. IMALL, Chp 11.
A Dynamic Account of Autonomy, Agency and Identity in (T)EFL Learning. IMALL, Chp 15.
Identity, Motivation and Autonomy: Stretching our Boundaries. IMALL, Chp 16.

Week 10-11

Week 12
Motivation of Language Learning
Motivation Language Identities and the L2 Self: A Theoretical Overview. MLILS, Chp 1.
The L2 Motivational Self System. MLILS, Chp 2.
The L2 Motivational Self System among Japanese Chinese and Iranian Learners of English: A Comparative Study. MLILS, Chp 4.

Week 13
Fukuchi, N. T., and Sakamoto, R. (2005). Affective dimensions of the Japanese foreign language learner: Implications for psychological learner development in Japan. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 26(4), 333-350.
Self and Identity in L2 Motivation in Japan: The Ideal L2 Self and Japanese Learners of English. MLILS, Chp 6.
Toward the Development of a Scale to Assess Possible Selves as a Source of Language Learning Motivation. MLILS, Chp 10.

Week 14
A Person-in-Context Relational View of Emergent Motivation Self and Identity. MLILS, Chp 11.
The Sociocultural Interface between Ideal Self and Ought-to Self: A Case Study of Two Korean Students ESL Motivation. MLILS, Chp 14.
The Internalisation of Language Learning into the Self and Social Identity. MLILS, Chp 15.

Week 15
Possible Selves in Language Teacher Development. MLILS, Chp 16.
Motivation Language Identities and the L2 Self Future Research Directions. MLILS, Chp 18.

Week 16-18
