一、課程說明(Course Description)

This course provides a survey and a substantial implementation project on advanced software
development tools for embedded systems. Topics include remotely firmware update over a network or
wireless link, remotely function invocation, hardware abstraction, virtual machine, simulation, memory
optimization, macroprogramming, debugging, and cloud integration.

二、指定用書(Text Books)

No textbook required; reading material will be posted on the course website as the course progresses.


EcoCast paper (IPSN'11): http://www.ece.uci.edu/~chou/ipsn11.pdf
EcoExec paper (Mobiquitous'10): http://www.ece.uci.edu/~chou/secon10.pdf
TelsScribe paper (EMSOFT'10): http://www.ece.uci.edu/~chou/emsoft109-chen.pdf
Nucleos paper (EMSOFT'10): http://www.ece.uci.edu/~chou/emsoft112-hahn.pdf
Buffer optimizer paper (EMSOFT'07): http://www.ece.uci.edu/~chou/ems2007-hahn.pdf

Additional reference materials will be posted on the course website as the project is defined.

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)

The course meets for three hours per week with a combination of lectures by the instructor, interactive
discussion with students on project details, and presentations by students.


Week 1: introduction, overview
Week 2: Platforms
Week 3: Eco and EcoKit tutorial
Week 4: Other embedded platforms, EcoKit tutorial cont'd
Week 5: Remote reprogramming, Telescribe tutorial
Week 6: Remote reprogramming, EcoExec tutorial
Week 7: Macroprogramming, EcoCast tutorial
Week 8: Macroprogramming, EcoCast tutorial
Week 9: Tiered network, EcoPlex
Week 10: Mesh networks
Week 11: Universal addressing
Week 12: Universal addressing: grouping, hardware abstraction
Week 13: Universal addressing: query integration
Week 14: Power considerations
Week 15: Energy harvesting considerations
Week 16: Project wrap-up
Week 17: Project wrap-up


Participation: 10%
Progress reports: 25%
Implementation work: 75%

