一、課程說明(Course Description)
Thermal and Fluid Science I & II introduce the fundamental aspects of thermal science. In Part I, the first semester, the content is focused on Thermodynamics, while in Part II the focus will be on Fluid Mechanics.
二、指定用書(Text Book)
Turns, S.R., "Thermal-Fluid Sciences, An Integrated Approach" Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Cengel and Boles,Thermodynamics-An engineering approach, McGraw Hill.
四、教學方式(Teaching Method)
Lectures and written exams
Chapter 1 Beginnings
Chapter 2 Thermodynamic Properties, Property Relationships, and Processes
Chapter 3 Conservation of Mass
Chapter 4 Energy and Energy Transfer
Mid-term Exam
Chapter 5 Conservation of Energy
Chapter 7 Second Law of Thermodynamics and Some of Its Consequences
Final Exam
Quizzes (5-6 times): 24%
Mid-term (closed-book+open-book) 38%
Final (closed-book+open-book) 38%