一、課程說明(Course Description)
Students in this course will get hands-on experience with projects on embedded systems, from conception
to planning, design, implementation, evaluation, and documentation. The course will start by reviewing
concepts and a tutorial on the platform to use. Then the entire class will identify the design tasks, define
their interfaces, implement them, and integrate them into one large networked embedded system.
二、指定用書(Text Books)
None required
John Catsoulis, Designing Embedded Hardware, published by O'Riley, ISBN 0-596-00755-8, May 2005,
400 pages.
Bluetooth 4.0 Core Specification (To be posted on the course website)
Tutorials for IAR development tool (to be posted)
EcoBT tutorial (to be posted)
四、教學方式(Teaching Method)
Two hours of lectures and two hours of staffed laboratories per week, on average. More lectures will be
given in the beginning of the semester, and more labs will be scheduled in the later part of the semster.
1. introduction, basic Digital logic and EE review; use of power supplies, probes
2. basic MCU concepts, how to program, including I/O ports, SPI, I2C, PWM, optionally CAN; use of
scopes, logic analyzers
3. timer, interrupt programming, watchdog reset; two-line LCD module or other textual display
4. UART concepts, ADC, DAC; example sensors, actuators, speakers, amplifiers, SPI-ADCs
5. SD card, flash memory, maybe file system (one week)
6. wireless MAC case study: nRF24L01 or BlueTooth; antenna issue, spectrum analyzer
7. phase-locking, phase-amplitude comparison
8. USB: host interface controller, slave-to-slave
9. Ethernet, TCP/IP, optionally Wi-Fi
10. Glue logic: PLD, optionally FPGA, how to program; voltage level converters (one week)
11. PCB development tutorial, CAD
12. SMT Soldering, testing
13. Connectors, sockets,
14. Power issue: voltage regulators (buck, boost, buck-boost), chargers, DC-DC converters, current
15. External memory interfacing; could do SPI EEPROM or SPI flash; address space
16. Project demo
Please note that the items are not necessarily organized by week. Most of the materials will be covered by
week 7-8. Half of the quarter will be devoted to actual project implementation.
Class Participation 30%
Project work 70%