Instructor: Pai H. Chou
1. Course Description
This course covers the grammar, vocabulary, style, logic, and tools needed
for writing and reading technical English materials. The grammar review part
covers sentence construction and common mistakes. The vocabulary part
compares similar but often misused words in technical English. A large
portion of the course will cover style with editing exercises on making
the writing concise, precise, professional, coherent, easy to read, and
persuasive. The logic part deals with the organization of ideas and
reasoning, with a review of common logical fallacies. The course will be
using collaborative writing tools including LaTeX and version control
tools to produce professionally formatted documents.
2. Textbooks
- Academic Writing for Graduate Students: Essential Tasks and Skills. 2nd
Edition. Crane Publishing Cl., Ltd.
- Strunk and White, the Elements of Style, available online
- Course reader
3. Teaching Methods
The course will review grammar and style rules for technical English.
The format will be lecture with interactive sessions for the class to
participate in reading and editing technical English.
Exercises will be taken from textbooks and provided by instructors.
4. Evaluation
30% class participation
50% take-home assignments
20% final paper
5. Tentative Schedule
- overview
- tools
- LaTeX intro
- version control
- logic
- logical fallacies
- problem statements
- requirements
- constraints
- objectives
- contributions
- originality (how "new")
- novelty (how "non-obvious")
- significance (how "important")
- grammar review
- noun-verb agreement
- count noun vs mass noun
- subordinate clauses
- relative pronouns, which vs. that
- prepositions
- auxiliaries, can not vs cannot
- conjunctions, disjunctions
- verb transitivity
- hyphenation of compound modifiers
- semantics
- concrete vs abstract terms
- literal vs figurative terms
- absolutes vs relatives
- qualifiers: very, only,
- contrapositive
- expectation vs obligation
- overloading
- style
- strong vs weak constructs
- eliminate verbosity
- punctuations
- math and symbols
- noun chains
- colloquial and informal speech
- Oxford comma
- use of slashes /
- larger units
- topic sentences
- opening paragraphs
- roadmap
- headings
- introduction
- background vs related work
- problem statement
- technical approach
- implementation
- evaluation and analysis: arithmetic vs geometric mean
- conclusions
- bibliography
6. Course Website