一、課程說明(Course Description)

The main objective of this fundamental finance course is to help executives develop abilities and also skills
in financial analysis and provide a framework for making investment and financing decisions. An emphasis
will be placed upon on (1) Financial Statement Analysis, (2) Value and Capital Budgeting, (3) Risk and
Return Analysis, (4) Capital Structure and Dividend Decision, and (5) Other related Financial Topics.

二、指定用書(Text Books)

To be announced.


All materials related to our class tiopcs will be assigned in class, if needed.

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)

Lecture, Class discussion, Assignments, and Presentations.


Financial Statement Analysis
Financial Markets and Net Present Value
Net Present Values and Capital Budgeting
Some Alternative Investment Rules
Invited Speaker
Valuation of Bonds and Stocks
Capital Market Theory & Return and Risk Analysis
The Capital Asset Pricing Model
Invited Speaker
Capital Structure–Basic Concepts
Dividend Policy
Case Discussions
Project Presentations
Final Exam

I do reserve the rights to change anything if necessary.



To be announced.