10120PME 3011固體力學與奈米材料實驗
學分數:1 授課教師:蔡宏營

一、課程說明(Course Description)
From many solid mechanics and materials interesting experiments, you will find this course a very exciting experience for you to explore and discover. Just remember to have fun under safety conditions.
(1) 奈米材料拉伸實驗 (Tensile Test of Nanomaterials)
(2) 材料衝擊與硬度實驗 (Impact and Hardness Test)
(3) I型樑應變量測 (Strain Measurement of an I-Beam)
(4) 樑振動模態分析 (Modal Analysis of a Beam)
(5) 扭轉振動 (Torsional Vibration)
(6) 動平衡測試 (Dynamic Balance)
(7) 挫曲實驗(Buckling Experiment)
(8) 穿透式光彈實驗 (Transmission-Type Photoelastic Experiment)
(9) 超音波非破壞性檢測 (Nondestructive Test Using Ultrasonic Transducers)

二、指定用書(Text Books)
實驗教材 will be provided to cover the guidelines and procedures for the experiments as well as safety procedures.

Solid mechanics related textbooks and references are listed in descriptions of each experiment.

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)
1.每人在做實驗前先繳預習報告(A4紙)乙份,內容包括(1)封面、(2)實驗目的、(3)實驗原理、(4) 實驗設備、(5)量測項目清單、及(6)預期結果。
Pre-Lab Report
(1) Cover, (2) Purpose of Experiment, (3) Principle, (4) Equipment, (5) Table of Items to be Measured, (6) Expected Results

2. 每人在實驗完畢後一週,於上課時繳實驗報告(A4紙)乙份,內容包括(1)封面、(2)摘要、(3)實驗目的、(4) 實驗目的、(5) 實驗設備、(6)實驗結果與討論、(7) 結論、(8) 參考資料(所有非自行繪製圖表需列出資料來源)、及(9)附錄(計算過程、不準度分析及其他)。
Lab Report
(1) Cover, (2) Abstract, (3) Purpose of Experiment, (4) Principle, (5) Equipment, (6) Results and Discussion, (7) Conclusions, (8)References, (9)Appendix(Results Calculation, Uncertainty Analysis, et al.)

分組方式: 共分九組。

實驗時間: 3月4-5日課堂講解,自3月11日當週起每週一、二、四
13:20-13:30 報到簽名、繳交預習報告及上週實驗報告
13:30 助教收走簽名單
13:30-13:40 助教示範講解及告知安全事項
13:40-16:00 實驗操作及數據初步分析
16:00-17:00 數據經值日助教檢查簽名後,方可離開,17:00前結束


實驗講解: 講授實驗項目之原理、步驟及注意事項。

時間 (暫定):

地點: 工程一館107階梯教室

(1) 奈米材料拉伸實驗 (Tensile Test of Nanomaterials)
(2) 材料衝擊與硬度實驗 (Impact and Hardness Test)
(3) I型樑應變量測 (Strain Measurement of an I-Beam)
(4) 樑振動模態分析 (Modal Analysis of a Beam)
(5) 扭轉振動 (Torsional Vibration)
(6) 動平衡測試 (Dynamic Balance)
(7) 挫曲實驗(Buckling Experiment)
(8) 穿透式光彈實驗 (Transmission-Type Photoelastic Experiment)
(9) 超音波非破壞性檢測 (Nondestructive Test Using Ultrasonic Transducers)

成績計算方式: 預習報告(20%)、實驗報告(40%)、及期末考(40%)
期末考 時間: 6月4日星期二19:00-21:00
