一、課程說明(Course Description)

This course introduces the fundamentals of computer science. It provides a broad
picture of the different aspects of computer science in the real world. Through
this course, students can understand the relevance and interrelationships of the
future courses. The covered topics are:

  • Data Storage
  • Data Manipulation
  • Operating Systems
  • Networking and the Internet
  • Algorithms
  • Programming Languages
  • Software Engineering
  • Data Abstractions
  • File Structures
  • Database Systems
  • Computer Graphics
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Theory of Computation

二、指定用書(Text Books)

J.Glenn Brookshear "Computer Science - AN OVERVIEW" , 11th edition, Addison-

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)
Lectures & Project

  • [09/16/2013] Course Information & Chapter 0 Introduction
  • [09/18/2013] Chapter 1 Data Storage (AR1-4)
  • [09/23/2013] Chapter 1 Data Storage
  • [09/25/2013] Chapter 1 Data Storage (AR1-4)
  • [09/30/2013] Chapter 2 Data Manipulation (AR5)
  • [10/02/2013] Chapter 3 Operating Systems
  • [10/07/2013] Chapter 3 Operating Systems
  • [10/09/2013] Chapter 4 Networking and the Internet (AR8)
  • [10/14/2013] Chapter 4 Networking and the Internet (AR8)
  • [10/16/2013] Chapter 4 Networking and the Internet (AR8)
  • [10/21/2013] Movie Time: Ghost in the Shell
  • [10/23/2013] Movie Discussion
  • [10/28/2013] Midterm 1
  • [10/30/2013] Chapter 7 Software Engineering
  • [11/04/2013] Chapter 7 Software Engineering
  • [11/06/2013] Chapter 9 Database Systems
  • [11/11/2013] Chapter 9 Database Systems
  • [11/13/2013] Chapter 10 Computer Graphics
  • [11/18/2013] Chapter 10 Computer Graphics
  • [11/20/2013] Class Rescheduled, University Sports Day
  • [11/25/2013] Movie Time: Star Trek 4
  • [11/27/2013] Movie Discussion
  • [12/02/2013] Chapter 11 Artificial Intelligence
  • [12/04/2013] Chapter 11 Artificial Intelligence
  • [12/09/2013] Chapter 12 Theory of Computation
  • [12/11/2013] Chapter 12 Theory of Computation
  • [12/16/2013] Movie Time: Minority Report
  • [12/18/2013] Movie Discussion
  • [12/23/2013] Computer Security Panel
  • [12/25/2013] Panel Discussion
  • [12/30/2013] Midterm 2
  • [01/01/2014] Happy New Year
  • [01/06/2014] Final Project Presentation
  • [01/08/2014] Final Project Presentation

  • 五、成績考核(Evaluation)

    Quiz: 10%
    Exams: 50%
    Project: 20%
    Report: 10%
    Participation: 10%