CS2405 “Programming Methodology with Objective-C and SmartPhone Programming”
"Objective-C 與智慧手機程式設計"

by Professor Youn-Long Lin, Fall 2013, NTHU-CS


1. Introduction to programming
2. Object-Oriented programming paradigms
3. Objective-C programming language
4. Software development methodology and environment
5. Programming iPhone applications
6. Projects & Demonstration to the Public

This course is for students who are interested in developing APPs for iPhone, iPad, or iPod platform. We expect students to have one-semester background in computer programming (C, C++, or Java).

We will use the XCode development suite running on Mac machines. Students are encouraged to find their own access to Mac.

We will hold a public demonstration of students' final projects. Only those who are determined to go all the way shall take this course.