國立清華大學 101 學年第 1 學期課程大綱
科號 組別 學分 2 人數限制 40
上課時間 星期二 3, 4 教室
科目中文名稱 醫學遺傳學
科目英文名稱 Medical Genetics
任課教師 周裕珽、周姽嫄

擋修科目 擋修分數

一、課程說明 In addition to the basic introduction of human genetics, the most
updated scientific and
technical advance in human genetics will be included. The class will cover the
basic genetic rules with emphasis on medical applications. The lectures will
include genetic testing, screening, approaches to therapy, personalized medicine,
disease models, comparative genomics, model organisms, and epigenetics.
二、指定用書 Human Heredity Principles and Issues. 9th ed. M. Cummings 2011
(there will be a discount for group purchase)

三、參考書籍 A large collection of related genetics textbooks will be deposited in
the Lifescience 文念慈library.
四、教學方式 Teaching and discussion
五、教學進度 to be announced.
六、成績考核 50% from each teachers. Details will be announced.

http:// 數位學習系統 http://lms.nthu.edu.tw/

Class syllabus
http:// 數位學習系統 http://lms.nthu.edu.tw/