一、先修課程 (Prerequisites)

Linear Algebra, Probability, Signals and Systems, Communication Systems I.

二、課程說明 (Course Description)

This course is a sequel to EE 3640 Communication Systems I. It covers the basic
principles of digital communications and serves as a starting point to
understand how information can be transmitted reliably from one point to another
point in space or time.

三、指定用書 (Textbook)

S. Haykin, Communication Systems, 4th ed. Wiley, 2001.

四、參考書籍 (References)

五、課程內容 (Course Contents)

六、成績考核 (Grading)

Homework 20%, midterm exam 40%, final exam 40%, (optional) project 10%.

七、可連結之網頁位址 (Web Page)


八、數位學習平台 (E-Learning)
