This course is designed to introduce the fundamental background and concepts as
well as the state of the art of bioinformatics and systems biology. Especially for
those graduates with information technology background who are interested in
knowing how to find interesting biological problems as a research topic and select
a proper method to deal with biological problems.
We will start with introduction by the teachers to give an overview and backgrounds
related to system biology and bioinformatics. This includes basic concepts about
genetic processes in the cells and related biological databases, bioinformatic
theories, models and software tools.
The teachers will point to many recent trend of computational biology according to the
literature. The students will be assigned to read and present current research
literature in the class. The discussions of the ideas in the class are encouraged
and moderated by the teachers.

The course will encourage students to explore the following topics and problems:
§ How to infer or predict the molecular structure (primary, secondary and tertiary) and functions given
some background
biological knowledge?
§ How to infer biological interaction and pathway models from microarray data?
§ What are the properties of the molecular interaction networks in a cell?
§ How do these networks interact with each other?
§ How does a biological system (a cell) react under various conditions?
§ How does disease result from disruption of normal cellular activities?
§ How does a drug affect the pathways and interactions of the molecular networks?
§ How accurate can we predict 3D protein structure based on its amino acid sequence?
§ How can we predict protein-protein interactions?
§ How can we predict drug adverse effects?
§ How can we predict protein functions based on its physical chemical properties, similarity networks
and protein domain
structure information? …
The students are required to learn some biological and bioinformatics databases, bio-informatic analytic
tools and methods
and choose a biological problem as target research topic to which to seek solution in terms of
bioinformatics and
systems biology approaches.
The students are also required to present and discuss their target topics in the class and write a term
project and research
proposal based on their subject of interest, lectures and extra reading of the literature.

一、課程說明(Course Description)
二、指定用書(Text Books)
四、教學方式(Teaching Method)
English presentation
Introduction Lectures by teacher and invited speakers
Seminar and discussion
Writing term project and research proposal
3 week Lectures by teachers (background survey and trends)
§ background on DNA RNA and protein
§ backgrounds on cell organelles and their functions
§ computational algorithms on alignment, optimization, machine learning methods
§ Various biological databases: GenBank, PDB, SCOP, SMART, Drug bank, Pfam, protein protein
interaction, etc.
1 week invited talks
5weeks discussions on special research topics on assigned readings of literature and led by the instructor
5 weeks presentations by students (problems/working hypothesis, resources, methods/tools and
2 weeks Final presentation of research proposal

1. Attend lectures by teacher and the invited speakers
2 Attend the designated paper discussion (papers will be assigned before the
discussion and read before the class)
3 Presentation a biological database, a bioinformatic tool, a computational theory,
model, algorithm for a biological problem
6 Proposal writing:
§ Problem definition (scope and rationales why)
§ Previous work (What have been done and not done)
§ Aims of research (no more than 3)
§ Discuss Data availability
§ Preliminary result (if any)
§ Possible methods and model to solve the problems encountered and predict the effects
and risks.
Presentation of term project and proposal

Grade: 40% class presentation, 20% research proposal report, , 30% term project, 10%