CHE 500200分子工程二(Molecular Engineering (II))
一、課程說明(Course Description)
本課程與《分子工程(一)》為工學院分子工程學程碩士班必修課,將本學程四大重點(超分子結構調控、分子光電、分子流變與精密加工、分子模擬)做綜合性的介紹,使同學們對分子工程有全面性的暸解,作為培養跨學門性質的高階研發人才的基礎;其中《分子工程(一)》涵括量子原理與光電性質,《分子工程(二)》則著重於分子動態、奈米材料與結構製程(bottom-up and top-down)。

二、指定用書(Text Books)

Dynamics of molecular systems:
D.A. McQuarrie, “Statistical Mechanics”, Harper and Row: New York, 1976; Ch. 16-22.

Top-down Processes:
Lecture notes

Bottom-up Processes:
R.A. L. Jones, Soft Condensed Matter, Oxford University Press (2002).


Dynamics of molecular systems:
D. Frenkel and B. Smit, “Understanding Molecular Simulations”, Academic Press, 2001
D. Chandler, “Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics”, Oxford University Press, NY, 1987
and a few review papers.

1. “圖解半導體”, 菊地正典著,王政友譯,世茂出版社2004
2. “Fundamentals of Semiconductor Fabrication”, G.S. May and S.M. Sze Wiley 2003, 林鴻志譯,交大出版社2005
3. “Fundamentals of Semiconductor Manufacturing and Process Control”, G.S. May and C.J. Spanos, Wiley 2006

I. W. Hamley, Introduction to Soft Matter: Synthetic and Biological Self-Assembling Materials, Wiley (2000).

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)

Dynamics of molecular systems: Lectures + a hands-on project for each student
Top-down processes: lecture (Power-Point files)
Bottom-up processes: lecture (Power-Point files)


Top-down processes: (2nd mid-term exam)
1. Introduction to semiconductor and integrated circuit
2. Front-end process
3. Back-end process
4. Process Integration and Control

Dynamics of molecular systems:(1st midterm exam + Monte Carlo / Molecular dynamics computation project)
1. Continuum mechanics, transport processes, and Brownian Motion (1.5 lecture)
2. Kinetic theory of gases, molecular collisions, and the Boltzmann equation (1.5 lecture)
3. Time correlation function (1 lecture)
4. Overview of molecular simulation, mainly on MD simulation. (2 lectures)

Bottom-up processes: (Final exam)
1. Overview of soft condensed matter
2. Forces, energies, and phase transitions in condensed matter
3. Colloidal dispersions
4. Polymers (II)
5. Molecularorder in soft condensed matter
6. Supramolecular self-assembly in soft condensed matter
7. Soft matter in nature


Dynamics of molecular systems: Homework assignment + Computation Project + Presentation: 10% +18%+15%
2nd Midterm (Top-down Processes): 33 %
Final Exam (Bottom-up Processes): 33 %
