科號 組別 學分 3 人數限制 70
科目中文名稱 知識與實在 教室
科目英文名稱 Knowledge and Reality
任課教師 趙之振
上課時間 週二:3, 4, N
擋修科目 無 擋修分數 無

1. 知識與意見之差別
2. 傳統對「知識」的分析
3. 葛逖爾(Gettier)的難題
4. 對葛逖爾難題的回應
5. 證成的無限後退(infinite regress)的問題
6. 對無限後退問題之回應:基礎論(foundationalism)與融貫論(coherentism)
二、哲學懷疑論(philosophical skepticism)
1. 古代的懷疑論與近代的懷疑論
2. 依懷疑的對象有所不同而有不同的懷疑論:外在世界、其他的心靈等
3. 關於外在世界的懷疑論之背景:笛卡兒(Descartes)
4. 懷疑論的論證
5. 對懷疑論的論證之回應
三、先驗知識(a priori knowledge)
1. 先驗/後驗(a posteriori)、必然性(necessity)/適然性(contingency)、分析性(analyticity)/綜合性(syntheticity)之區分
2. 「先驗知識」之定義以及其各種例子(邏輯方面、數學方面、語意方面)
3. 對先驗知識之解釋:經驗主義(empiricism)與理性主義(rationalism)
4. 對先驗知識之懷疑
1. 對「世界」(the World)、「存在」兩詞以及上述問題的說明
2. 個體(individual):基底理論(substratum theory)與叢束理論(bundle theory)
3. 共相(universal):實在論(realism)與唯名論(nominalism)
4. 必然的存有物:有關上帝存在的存有論證(ontological argument)與宇宙論論證(cosmological argument)
5. 性質(property)、限定(modification)、事實(fact)、事態(state of affair)、事件(event)、狀態(state)、材質(stuff)、命題(proposition)
五、理性存有者(rational being)
1. 思想(thinking)與感覺(sensation)之對比
2. 人是否只是一結構功能很複雜的電腦/動物?電腦/動物是否會思考?(在怎樣的條件之下,我們願意說電腦/動物會思考?)
3. 在何種意義下,某一個人與十年前的他/她是同一個人?
1. 因果(causality)與因果解釋(causal explanation)
2. 因果關係成立之條件
3. 休姆(Hume)對因果之懷疑以及康德(Kant)之回應
七、自由意志(free will)與決定論(determinism)
1. 決定論與宿命論的差別
2. 「自由」釋義
3. 自由意志與決定論是否不相容?
1. 「真」與「意義」兩詞的各種意思
2. 說謊者的詭論(Liar Paradox)
3. 有關真理的一些說法:塔斯基(Tarski)、符應說(correspondence theory)、知識論進路的說法
4. 真值(truth value)與真值條件(truth condition)
5. 意義與真值條件之關係
6. 意義、詮釋與外在世界的關係
7. 是否有客觀的真理存在?

本課程並無教科書,但在文獻之研讀方面,主要資料來源為:Western Philosophy: An Anthology, edited by John Cottingham, Blackwell Publishers, 1997. (WP) 我們將盡量取材以下的論文或專書章節(如果時間容許,我們可能會稍為涉及一些東方哲學的相關文獻):
*Knowledge vs. Opinion:
Plato, Republic, Book V, 474b-483e (WP 13-18)
*Traditional Analysis of “Knowledge”
Edmund Gettier, “Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?”
*Demonstrative and Its Starting Point:
Aristotle, Posterior Analytics, extracts from Book I, chapter 1 (71a1-4), chapter 2 (71b9-25), chapter 4 (73a21-5), chapter 8 (75b21-36), Book II, chapter 19 (99b20-110b12) (WP 20-21)
*Foundations for Knowledge:
René Descartes, Meditations, Meditation I and part of II (WP 22-26)
*The Senses as the Basis of Knowledge:
John Locke, Essay concerning Human Understanding, Book I, chapter 2, §§1-5 and 12-16, Book II, chapter 1 §§1-5 (WP 27-32)
*Innate Knowledge Defended:
Gottfried Leibniz, New Essay on Human Understanding, paras. 44-53 (WP33-36)
*Skepticism vs. Human Nature:
David Hume, Enquiry concerning Human Understanding, Section XII (WP37-41)
*Experience and Understanding:
Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, B1-5, B74-75, B124-6 (WP 42-45)
*Individual Substance:
Aristotle, Categories, Chapter V (2a11-4b19) (WP70-74)
*Nothing Outside the Mind:
G.eorge Berkeley, Principles of Human Knowledge, Part I, paras 1-10, 14, 19, 23-26, 28-30 (WP92-97)
*The Limit of Metaphysical Speculations:
David Hume, Enquiry concerning Human Understanding, Section IV part 1 and Section XII, part 3 (WP98-102)
*The Self and Consciousness
John Locke, Essay concerning Human Understanding, Book II, chapter 27, §§9-19, 22-23 (WP 187-192)
*The Self as Bundle:
David Hume, A Treaties of Human Nature, Book I, part iv, section 6 (WP 197-202)
*The Ontological Argument for the Existence of God:
Anslem of Canterbury, Proslogion, chapter 1 (excerpts), chapters 2-5 (WP 245-247)
*The Five Proofs of God:
Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Part I, question 2, article 3 (WP 249-250)
*God and the Idea of Perfection:
René Descartes, Meditations, Meditation III (excerpts) (WP 251-256)
*Human Freedom and Divine Providence:
Augustine of Hippo, The City of God, Book V, chapters 9-11 (WP 215-220)
*Freedom to Do What We Want:
Thomas Hobbes, The Questions concerning Liberty and Necessity and Chance (WP 221-226)
David Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature, Book I, Part III, Sections 2, 3,6,14,15 (S. Guttenplan, J, Hornsby and C. Janaway, Reading Philosophy, Blackwell, 2003, 220-231)




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