10220ISA 691200學術論文寫作實習(Academic Writing Workshop)

Credit: 3
Time: R7R8R9
Place: Delta Building 613 Room and 資電 323 教室


The course will take the form of a flipped classroom. According to Wikipedia, flipped classroom is a form
of blended learning in which students learn new content online by watching video lectures, usually at
home, and what used to be homework (assigned problems) is now done in class with teachers offering
more personalized guidance and interaction with students, instead of lecturing. Those students who have
take *** are encourage to review the course materials, while those who have not taken the course are
required to read the materials.

The main goal of this course is to provide graduate students opportunity to practice the craft of academic
writing and get their hand dirty. Each student will set the goal of finishing writing a 8 pages double-
column draft not unlike those submitted to an international conference, focusing on his/her own research.
If you are not actively working on a research problem, you will be provide a real-life paper and are asked to
revise the paper to fit the mold of an good model paper.

Students will also work on improving their vocabulary using with with some research-based supplemental


Midterm 20%
Assignment 80%


教科書:Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop Level A, Bookman Publishing Company. 書林出版社

參考書:Science Research Writing: A Guide for Non-Native Speakers of English, Glasman-Deal Hilary,
Imperial College Press, 2010
中譯本:科學研究論文寫作 譯者:連程翔,出版社:華樂絲語文顧問有限公司,2012



1. Weissberg, R. & Buker, S. 1990. Writing up Research: Experimental Research Report for Students
of English. Prentice-Hall Inc.
2. Joseph M. William. 2006. Style- Ten Lessons in Clarity and Grace, Longman, 9th Ed.
3. Marie L. Waddell, Robert M. Esch, Roberta R. Walker. 1993. The Art of Styling Sentences- 20 Patterns for
Success. Barron's, 3rd Ed.
4. Michael Rundell. 2007. Improve Your Writing Skills, in Macmillan Dictionary for Advanced Learners,
Macmillan ELT, 2nd Ed.
5. J. B. Heaton & N. D. Turton. Longman Dictionary of Common Errors, Longman; 2nd edition,
1996 (384 pages)


1. 認識學術論文寫作與基本寫作技巧
2. 簡介:定位論文的研究空間
3. 相關研究:釐清文獻的時空關係
4. 方法:敘述步驟條理分明
5. 結果:呈現成果圖文並茂
6. 圖表:設計資訊讓數字說話
7. 討論與結論:跳脫與延伸
8. 摘要、標題、關鍵詞:吸引讀者目光

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