一、課程說明 (Course Description)
This course teaches many advanced techniques used in the design of modern
processors. Architectural features of modern microprocessors, including advanced
pipeline designs, instruction level parallelism(ILP), various branch prediction
techniques, cache memory, and virtual memory subsystem will be studied. In
addition, superscalar design, Tomasulo Algorithm with re-order buffer, VLIW
processors, code optimization for such systems will be also described. Multi-
core and multi-processor design will also be covered. Interconnection network
and I/O may be covered if time allows. Quantitative evaluation of architectural
features is emphasized throughout the course.

二、指定用書 (Text Books)
J. L. Hennessy and D. A. Patterson, Computer Architecture: A Quantitative
Approach, 5th Edition, Morgan Kaufmann Publishing Co., Menlo Park, CA

三、參考書籍 (References)
1. Hennesey and Patterson, "Computer organization and design"
2. Brayant and O'Hallaron, "Computer Systems"
3. Dandamudi, "fundamentals of computer organization and design"
4. John Shen, Mikko Lipasti, Modern Processor Design, McGraw Hill

四、教學方式 (Teaching Method)
- Lecture

五、教學進度 (Syllabus)
1. Fundamentals of quantitative design and analysis
2. Memory hierarchy design
3. Instruction-level parallelism and its exploitation
4. Data-level parallelism in vector, SIMD, and GPU architectures
5. Thread-level parallelism
6. Warehouse-scale computers

六、成績考核 (Evaluation)
- Homework 35%
- Midterm exam 25%
- Projects 40%
