This goal of this semester is to study the numerical algorithms for
solving large eigenvalue problems. We will focus on the algorithms and the
applications of eigenvalue solvers. The assignments of this course require
programming ability on parallel environments, such as cluster or GPU.

Matrix Algorithms: Volume II: Eigensystems
Authors: G. W. Stewart

1. Basic linear algebra review: LU, Cholesky, QR, Eigen-problems
2. Applications of eigenvalue and SVD
2.1 Pagerank and stationary probability
2.2 Physics problems
2.3 For graph partition
2.4 For dimension reduction
2.5 Others
3. Algorithms to solve eigenvalue problems
3.1 Power methods
3.2 QR methods
3.3 Methods for symmetric matrices and for SVD
3.4 Krylov/Lanczos methods
3.5 Restart algorithms
3.6 Deflation
3.7 Contour methods
3.8 Inexact methods
3.9 Others

1. 3 Programming assignments: 45%
(b) Parallel ARPACK
(c) Solver on GPU
2. Class note: 30%
3. Final project: 25%