一、課程說明(Course Description)

This is a graduate level course in mathematical methods for system and signal analysis. The purpose is to give the students a comprehensive view of the mathematics prevalent in contemporary research and practice. The first part is a follow-up to the introductory discrete-time signal processing with emphasis on the processing of signals from random processes. The second part is to present how the linear algebra is used in the analysis of signals with a thorough discussion of the eigen-based method. Some selected papers from the field of signal processing will be discussed in the third part of this class.

二、指定用書(Text Books)

Lecture notes and journal papers in the area of signal processing.


1. Statistical Digital Signal Processing and Modeling, Monson H. Hayes, John Wiley & Sons, 1996.
2. Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for Signal Processing, Todd K. Moon and Wynn C. Stirling, Prentice Hall, 2000.

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)

課堂板書授課,每周上課 150 分鐘


Part 1:
Discrete-Time Signal Processing
Discrete-Time Random Processes
Spectral Analysis
Adaptive Filtering

Part 2:
Linear Algebra
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
Singular Value Decomposition
Principal Component Analysis
Estimation Theory – Least Squares and Maximum Likelihood Methods

Part 3:
Selected Topics in the Area of Signal Processing

1. Computer Projects (3 to 4 Assignments): 30 %
2. Midterm Exam: 30 %
3. Final Presentation and Reports 40%
