1. Computer Pioneers and Pioneer Computers
2. Mainframes and minicomputers
3. World War II, Cold war and electronics warfare
4. Transistor, Integrated Circuits, Semiconductor Industry
5. Bell Labs, IBM
6. Rise of Stanford, Silicon Valley
7. Apple, Steve Jobs
8. PC, Intel, Microsoft, Taiwan EMS
9. Taiwan’s RCA CMOS Transfer Project, TSMC, Fabless IC design Industry
10. Software as an industry, Oracle
11. Internet, WWW, Browser
12. Web portal, Yahoo
13. eCommerce, Amazon, eBay, PayPal, Zappos
14. Search engine, Alvista, Alltheweb, OpenFind, Google
15. Social Network, MySpace, Facebook, LinkedId, Twitter
16. Mobility, GSM(2G), CDMA(3G), LTE(4G)
19. Consumer electronics, Walkman, DVD, DSC, DTV
18. Innovators, Entrepreneurs