課程說明(Course Description)
We will teach the fundamental knowledge of cloud computing and big data, and the technology behind cloud computing.
Then you will do programming and develop software applications using some of the most popular cloud computing tools(Hadoop/Hive/Spark, etc) and real cloud platforms(AWS/BlueMix/GAE/Azure).
This course is graded 100% by programming homework and lab assignments.
The loading won't be light, and you are required to learn many different programming languages(java, scala, pig, query languages, etc) and programming models in short period of time.
So if you don't want to spend time on coding or learning new programming environments, you should consider other options.

(1)Cloud Computing Intro
(2)BigData Intro
(3)IaaS Study: AWS(EC2, S3, etc)
(4)PaaS(Cloud Foundry) Study: IBM BlueMix/Google App Engine(GAE)/Azure
(5)MapReduce Introduction
(6)MapReduce Programming: Hadoop
(7)MapReduce Algorithm
(8)Distributed Processing (Spark, Storm, DryadLINQ, etc)
(9)NoSQL DB: BigTable
(10)NoSQL Processing: Pig, Hive

(1)AWS Lab
(2)BlueMix/GAE/Azure Lab
(3)Hadoop Lab
(4)Spark Lab
(5)Hive/Pig Lab

25% HW1: Developing App on PaaS Cloud Platform (Team with 3 people)
25% HW2: Inverted Index implemented by Hadoop (Individual)
25% HW3: Page Rank & Searching Engine implemented by Hadoop & Hive (Individual)
25% Labs: each lab 5% (Individual)